13 June, 2017
mlabmLab has a growing community of developers who are creating amazing apps on the Ionic Platform and on a regular bases receive requests for Ionic development resources from our partners, industry and entrepreneurs.
If you are a locally based (South Africa) developer or startup with proven experience in Ionic and interested in joining our community to access meet-ups, events, workshops and potential development work please complete and submit the form below.
PLEASE NOTE: mLab’s focus is on developing and growing local mobile software development capacity. Work will not be outsourced to other markets and international outsourcing firms need not apply.
Ionic Developer
Join the mLab Ionic Community
First Last
Link to GitHub
Please share a link to your Github if applicable
Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region
Published Apps*
Please provide a list of published applications you have developed in Ionic. “N/A” if you do not currently have published apps.
Operating as*
Freelance Individual DeveloperEmployed but open to part time development workWe are a startup that have capacity for extra development workWe are a specialized Ionic Developer House
Please select the type that best describes how you will be managing projects
I agree that
- mLab may contact me about any local Ionic events, workshops and meetups
- mLab may contact me to discuss project opportunities
- mLab can share my contact details directly with potential clients/employers looking for Ionic Developers
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