31 August, 2012
mlabWe have been hard at work planning our local #m2work hackathon, 15 – 16 September, and we are happy to share some more info on the South African leg of this awesome 5 country challenge.
Partners: We are proud to announce the following partners who will be working with mLabsa to turn these 2 days of coding at the #m2work hackathon into something special:
Prizes: our partners have come on board to offer participants some awesome spot prizes and support over the 2 days and @mLabsa is offering the winning m2work team R20,000 in capacity funding and membership at mLab, to help get their application market ready.
Official Venues:
mLab Southern Africa
Enterprise Building
The Innovation Hub
Hotel Street
cnr Meiring Naude Road
South Africa
Virtual Hackathon: with the excitement and interest building we have decided to open up the Hackathon to developers, designers and entrepreneurs, anywhere in South Africa to participate virtually. You can organize your own team and hack-weekend at home, University, School, or even the beach (provided you have water and sand resistant equipment, wear sunscreen and can access the web). As long as you register before 8 September and put “VIRTUAL” as the first word in your “Why do you want to participate?” we will let you know the virtual participation process for the 2 days. Some cool virtual team prizes are also up for grabs!
The Hackathon Agenda * subject to change
Saturday, 15 September — Day 1
● 9 am: registration and plug-in
● 10 am – 11:30 am : Presentations
● 11:30 am onwards : Start hacking
● 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm: lunch
● 2:30 pm: Start hacking!
● 7 pm: dinner
● 9:30 pm: snacks and desserts
● 10:30 onwards: Hacking continues….*
Sunday, September 16 — Day 2
● 8 am – 10 am : breakfast
● 12 pm – 1 pm : lunch
● 2:30 pm: stop hacking
● 2:45 pm – 3:30 pm : select presentations from the Hackers
● 4 pm: prizes & awards
* participants at the mLab hackathon are allowed to sleep at mLab or at home. If you decide to stay please bring your own sleeping gear and we will make some space for you to recharge.
This Hackathon is platform agnostic so you can develop your application in any of the mobile languages, including mobile web.
You have to bring your own equipment. mLab will not be providing laptops/PC’s/Macs or any other equipment needed to create your application.
You must have at least 1 developer in your team. Coding of a solution is essential.
The solution must be relevant to m2work
Please register on the official m2work site before 8 September to qualify as a mLab or virtual participant.
only 30 participants will be accommodated at the mLab and registrations are coming in fast so if you still want to come hack at the Lab please register now!